Small batch, Craft Cannabis Flower from Our Farm to You

Cannabis grown in native soil, under the light of sun and moon, by legacy farmers. Say hello to our newest line of flower, straight from the family farm to you.

PRE-ROLL | 4G | 1/2 OZ

Made in Harmony with Nature


Regenerative Cannabis

We use organic and regenerative farming practices to grow healthy plants in living soil and under the sun. Beyond that, we are Sun and Earth Certified, which means that in addition to caring for the plant and the ecosystem, we treat our workers like family (but with a living wage), and give back to our community. Using mindful practices provides us with the highest quality product but also creates a better ecosystem for the plants and animals in our backyard and beyond.

Plastic-Free Packaging

Quality control doesn’t stop when our flower leaves the farm. We use food-grade steel packaging for our flower and pre-rolls which is light proof, airtight and most importantly, does not absorb any volatile terpene oils from the flower. This packaging preserves the flower, and helps ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Also, it is re-useable (on farm visits), and truly recyclable.


Slow Curing Process

Terpenes and trichomes are what it is all about. The dominant terpenes of a strain work in tandem with cannabinoids such as THC and CBD, to produce the entourage effect. By harvesting the plant at peak ripeness in the early morning hours of the day, and slowly drying it in a climate controlled space, we protect these highly volatile and easily damaged compounds.

Beneficials are companion plants which can attract pollinators, deter pests and create a more sound ecological environment for cannabis plants and other crops on the farm.

Whitethorn Valley Terroir

Taste the difference. 

A plant of the same genetics will express wildly different physical characteristics, terpene / cannabinoid content, and effects depending on where (and how) they are grown.

We grow our plants in the native soil, under light of sun and moon in the Lost Coast region of Southern Humboldt County. Hot days and cold nights; the dirt under our feet; fungal networks in the forest; wind and rain; all combined with a rich legacy of cannabis cultivation imparts a special quality to our plants that cannot be replicated in other growing conditions or regions. We refer to this as terroir, or the taste of place.

The last aspect of terroir is the people, the communities of the emerald triangle region and beyond that have come together over generations to preserve and protect this amazing plant.

It is by thoughtful reflection that the elusive moments of the past draw near to us in present reality and gain a measure of permanence.
— Yi-Fu Tuan

The Man Who Made it All Possible

Our homestead like other “Back to the Lander” establishments were created in Humboldt County by people looking for something… different. The man who facilitated so many radical people moving back to a simpler way of life was our Grandfather, Bob McKee.


From the Blog